Feeling of Calmness

green tree

I woke up this morning with a sense of calmness. For many years, my constant companion was stress, an unwelcome guest that kept my heart rate high even in moments of rest. It was not uncommon for it to hover around 90 or 100 beats per minute. But recently, I’ve seen a drastic decrease in those numbers. Now, my heart comfortably settles between 68 and 72 beats per minute, and that’s without any medication.

So what brought about this change? Many things, but if I had to pinpoint one major contributor, it would be my diet. I’ve made a conscious decision to only consume fruits, vegetables, and certain grains. I’ve eliminated all additives, sticking to foods in their most natural state. The impact of this change has been profound. I’m now experiencing a sense of calmness that I’ve never known before. It’s a feeling that’s somewhat difficult to describe, mainly because it’s so new to me.

I feel a tranquility that permeates my being, a serenity that I can only attribute to my healthier living choices. It’s a welcome change, and for this, I am simply grateful. I share what I learned as a testament that you are not alone in this journey. Love, Katursia.

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